Influences on Gut Microbiome

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technology Overview
By cross referencing mouse behavior, immune function, gut microbial structure, and gut metabolite levels, a team of Berkeley Lab researchers found that variation in behavior and immune phenotypes in Collaborative Cross mice was linked to abundance levels of specific microbes (including Lactobacillus sp.). Researchers also established links between host genetics and gut microbial composition.
The research team used the Collaborative Cross mouse resource to identify host genes that are associated with microbiome and behavior. Then, using sequencing and mass spectrometry, researchers determined the microbiome composition and metabolite levels in each mouse’s gut. The team evaluated memory and rotarod performance to assess mouse behavior.
Although research surrounding such links is limited, Berkeley Lab’s findings have larger implications for development of novel probiotics that can influence phenotypes in a wide variety of different hosts.
Further Details:
Genes, Early Environment Sculpt the Gut Microbiome, _Berkeley Lab News Center,_November 26, 2016
Snijders AM, Langley SA, Kim YM, Brislawn CJ, Noecker C, Zink EM, Fansler SJ, Casey CP, Miller DR, Huang H, Karpen GH, Celniker SE, Brown JB, Borenstein E, Jansson JK, Metz TO, Mao JH (2016) Influence of early life exposure, host genetics and diet on the mouse gut microbiome and metabolome. Nature Microbiology, 28;2:16221
Development Stage ‑ Proven principle.

Provides a link between host microbiome composition and memory
Establishes a connection between host genetics and gut microbiome


Probiotic supplement development
Enhance behavior and immune function by modulating microbiome composition

Available for licensing or collaborative research.

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